Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Artistic Drive?

This was an interesting question to ask myself. I wasn't artistic as a kid, at least not in the sense of needing to visual express myself. I didn't even take an art class until my senior year of high school. I always thought that art was reserved for the super talented who possessed skills I just wasn't born with. It wasn't until I took my first digital media class, that I started to gain an appreciation for art, at least the stuff that existed within my computer screen. I was blown away by the complexity and freshness that graphic design seemed to possess. Later, I was introduced to motion graphics; I thought that was some of the coolest I had ever seen. It just adds more excitement and life to already cool looking designs. I love how crisp and original digital designs can be. Traditional Art can be sloppy and textured and chaotic but somehow, designs made on the computer look neat and professional, but can still give that same expression and feeling as a traditional piece. Good designs actually look like someone took the time to create them, not all art is that apparent. I love looking at old paintings and sculptures anywhere from the Greek Era, all the way up to the late 19th Century. Art seemed to work its way into everything back then. Anyways, this is the type of stuff I'm into. I love looking at crisp, funky, and exciting visuals that make me stop and wonder how the artist created it.  Applying art to realistic, useful objects is what design is all about for me. 

Poster DesignThis is a good example of the type of motion graphics which inspire me, GoMedia. 

Also, this is a site I've been visiting for years, it has a bunch of tutorials for different programs, and it stays up to date with new designs, Pixel2LIfe.

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