Thursday, February 12, 2009

Blog 3: Motion and Web Design

Motion Design

Point, Line and Plane: AT&T-04
Point is used, as a way of conveying depth is this video. The points are used effectively to create abstract computer mouse’s. They are also used very effectively in creating a room by skewing and changing the sizes of the dots, by doing this perspective is achieved. The lines act as a directional tool, guiding us through the ad. Planes are used as television screens, acting as transitional elements.

Rhythm and Balance: ESPN-01
The elements within this piece seem to follow the rule-of-thirds, which make this a well balanced work overall. The pacing of the music coincides with content of the work, by making you think there will be this great crescendo when the athlete completes their task, but are left disappointed.

Scale: Aero-01
Scale plays a huge role in this piece. All of the dots range in size from the most minuscule to ones that take up a good portion of the screen. By having these dots range in size this creates a sense of depth for the face. If the face were to be created out of all dots of equal size the piece wouldn’t have nearly the same effect.

Texture: TeleText-03
In this ad it is all about the texture, all of which is created by letters. The size, proximity, colors, and juxtaposition of all of the letters is key to the texture. By grouping the letters closer together you create harder lines. Some really beautiful transitions occur in this piece by focus large amounts of text together, creating this large mass that is undistinguishable and then morphing into something else.

Web Design

Point, Line, Plane:

Point is used throughout this site as a background grid, with two sizes of dots comprising of the grid segments. Planes are used at the top of the page, acting as these puzzle pieces. They also act as backdrops for the text to reside on. Some of the lines on this site are implied, such as those that are implied on the grid. Lines are used to create separation of the puzzle pieces at the top of the page, as well as separating the top and bottom of the page.

Rhythm and Balance:
The main elements on the page (links, telephone, images, body text) are all placed in respect to balance. The images on the page are predominately placed to the right of the page, while the body text takes up the left, making the page well balanced. The main image has great rhythm and movement that seems to tie everything together.

Scale is used beautifully in this piece by having your mouse change the perspective of the environment. By changing the perspective some of the images become smaller, others become bigger, and the lines within the background either move closer or become farther away based on their scale.

This site has really simple, yet beautiful texture. The simple gradations, from black to gray, create this inkblot shaped texture. The kerning and letting of the text on this site also add their own texture.

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